Hello, my name is Sam and I am a psychotherapist specialised in working with children aged 3+, young people and their families.

I have many years of providing therapy for children in various settings, I work using Theraplay® principles and other forms of therapy, such as CBT and DBT. I am a member of the British Psychological Society.

To contact me directly:

E: sam@victoriatherapycentre.co.uk

T: 07471 452379


For the last 15 years, my focus has been on supporting and helping children and adults. At all times, I work from an impartial and non-judgmental perspective and I aim to create a space where you feel at ease and able to work at your own pace to move forwards.

My experience as a father and from working with children helps ensure sessions are fun and play-based, and the therapy space is maintained as a comfortable and happy place for children and their caregivers.

I utilise interventions informed by cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, Theraplay®, and evidence-based approaches such as PACE.

I live in the Bradford district and my practice is based at the Victoria Therapy Centre, Saltaire from where I deliver in-person therapy sessions.


I have supported children and adults therapeutically for more than 15 years, within community and secure settings; this has included children who have been fostered, adopted or looked after in residential care. Prior to that, I worked conducting psychological research in secure hospital settings on a range of topics including psychological treatment effectiveness and the impact of living conditions on behaviour.

Over my career, my therapeutic work has often been to support clients with a range of difficulties, including self-esteem, trust in others, abilities to manage emotions and behaviours, levels of anxiety and being withdrawn, symptoms of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), difficulties being calm and concentrating. I have extensive experience supporting children and adults with self-injury, suicidal behaviour, aggression, depression, harmful sexual behaviour, experiences of trauma, abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation.

I am trained and experienced in delivering interventions informed by cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical therapy and Theraplay®. Theraplay® is a newer form of therapy. It is delivered to a child and their caregiver(s) together and is a pleasure to provide. Research and my own experience shows it can be very effective at addressing children’s behavioural, attachment, emotional and developmental issues. It benefits younger children especially as it is play-based and does not require talking about difficulties to resolve them. Studies have also found it can be very effective for older children up to adulthood.

For the past 12 years, I have worked to support residential children’s homes, through training staff, developing models of care, providing psychological advice and conducting psychological assessments and delivering therapy.

I also have academic research interests around the impact of caregiving to children who present with the above difficulties, and have published work in the area. I am currently preparing to undertake a PhD focusing on how to better support children as they leave the support of services (for example, as they move from child to adult support services).

My work is consistently evidence-based and in line with NICE guidelines (a set of recommendations for professionals to follow in England & Wales), whilst being tailored to individual needs.


  • BSc (hons) Forensic Psychology
  • MSc Forensic Psychology

Certificates and Further Training

  • Child Adolescent Sexual Exploitation Evaluation Assessment
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Deliberate Self Injury In Young People
  • EMDR Europe Accredited Training
  • International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE)
  • Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol
  • PACE
  • Psychological Treatment of Adolescent Sexual Offending
  • Psychopathy and the PCL-R
  • Safeguarding Adults and Young People
  • Theraplay®
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) IV Cognitive Assessment


I have also had academic work published:

  • Ireland, J. L., Ireland, C. A., Lewis, M. A., Jones, C. & Keeley, S. (2016). Initial development of an implicit and explicit approach to assess psychopathy. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 46, 117-128.
  • Ireland, C. A., Keeley, S., Lewis, M., & Bowden, S. (2022). Vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue in residential care workers of traumatized children. Abuse, 3(1), 43-54.

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Individuals – £60 per hourly session.
Families – £80 per hourly session.
Residential care services – £80 per hour.

For more information please contact me directly on 07471 452379 or email sam@victoriatherapycentre.co.uk