Work-related Issues

Work-related stress is very common and can be caused by many issues.  For example, heavy workload, long hours or an unhappy work environment are often reported. We often spend more time with work colleagues than we do with close friends and family. This means that relationships can often become strained and its common to experience bullying, discrimination or conflicts in the workplace. 

We are often very much defined by our occupation and leaving work or moving roles can have a major impact, be it voluntary or involuntary. Retirement, re-structuring or redundancy can lead to a loss of confidence.

For these reasons, job insecurity or dissatisfaction at work can have a major impact on both physical and mental health.  Low self-esteem, lack of motivation and anxiety are commonly experienced. However, speaking to a qualified therapist can help to identify the underlying difficulties and develop better ways to deal with them and to find a way forward. 

Our team have significant experience in this area and are here to help you feel more positive about work or aid in a return to work if you have been off sick for an extended period.

For more information on how we can help, please contact one of our team below or email 

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