Relationship Issues

A common cause of unhappiness can be our relationships with the people closest to us. Living with a partner can be difficult, family relationships often lead to conflict and many of us have experienced fall-outs with colleagues in stressful work environments. Therefore it is common for cracks to appear in relationships between couples, friends, co-workers and relations.

You may have been able to address such difficulties at an early stage and just need some guidance in getting you back on track and moving forward. Or you may have made the decision that the relationship is too damaged for it to be repaired and therefore need some help processing a permanent break-up such as a divorce. Whatever stage you are at, we can help you to find ways of moving past this difficult period, looking to the future and dealing with the potential trauma that a broken relationship can cause.

Our team are here to help, with specially trained counsellors and therapists offering relationship therapy, we can help you identify the problems in relationships and find solutions to help improve your happiness.  You can contact our therapists directly to help find out more about how they might be able to help you. 

Recommended therapies for relationship problems: