Greif and Loss

Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms. They affect people in different ways and there is no right or wrong way to feel. These feelings may not be there all of the time and powerful feelings may appear unexpectedly.

Grief is a natural process we go through to adapt to a life changing event, but when the loss is of someone close to us, the intensity of feeling it causes can be distressing and worrying; it can be helpful to talk this through with a therapist.

Sometimes feelings of loss can be suppressed, delayed or remain hidden. Grief can be prolonged which can cause someone to get stuck in the feelings which can be frightening because raw grief can be intense and overwhelming.

Grief can result from any type of loss, for example, it may come after losing a meaningful career or losing a relationship.

A therapist can help you explore difficult emotions that come with grief and this can help to reduce suffering. Following therapy, you might feel more able to see further into the future and re-engage with life.

Allowing an individual to explore emotions without guilt or censure is often what appeals most about bereavement counselling.

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